Women we support, who were targeted for undercover relationships, have been speaking out bravely about being targeted in Scotland, and criticising the very limited investigations into the role of English Undercover Officers in Scotland.
Pitchford made the controversial decision not to extend the Inquiry into Undercover Policing to Scotland. The ensuing review, commissioned by the Scottish Government is extremely limited (only going back to 2000), and there appears to be links between HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) who are doing the reviewing, and the SDS & NPOIU.
“Alison” speaking to Scotland on Sunday, expressed concerns over trips Jenner made to Scotland with her that will not be examined by a review set up by the Scottish Government.
“I just don’t understand the thinking of the Scottish review,” Alison said. “It makes you wonder if there is stuff they don’t want to uncover. By only going back to 2000, they’re writing huge chunks out of the story.”
“Andrea“, speaking to the Scottish Sunday Herald said she made four visits north of the border with Neri, who she described as a “sociopath”. “Andrea” and “Alison” believe Neri and Jenner were being paid by the police every time they made a trip.
Criticising Pitchford’s decision to not extend the Public Inquiry into undercover policing to Scotland, “Andrea” said “I think it is absolute nonsense,” she said. “We know they were all active in Scotland.” She also criticised the HMIC review of undercover policing in Scotland: “It’s box-ticking exercise and serves no purpose.”
The targeting of women for relationships by undercover officers has been recognised as an abuse of their human rights, and this needs to be investigated wherever it happened. The use of undercover police against social justice and environmental campaigners is political policing, and needs to be halted immediately, and the files to be opened and investigated where ever this abuse of democracy has occurred.