All of these courageous women are attempting to rebuild their lives after what has been described as “the gravest possible interference”  with their private lives.

“The nature of the experience is particularly unusual in that it is deeply personal to all of us, and yet it is in both the public and the political domain. When it becomes your real-life story, it is a very difficult one to tell new friends, who often do not believe you, let alone to talk about it in the media or in a room like this.”
– oral testimony by Alison to the Home Affairs Select Committee

Many of the women involved in these cases have  been granted anonymity by the courts, therefore some of the names shown below are pseudonyms. We currently know of at least fifty women affected.


‘Alison’ was active in a community-based organisation exposing cases of police corruption, promoting trade unionism, and campaigning against racism and fascism.

Alison’s story

Bea‘ was an activist in the Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP) in the 1990s.

Bea’s story.

Belinda’s social circle included many activists. Through them she was introduced to Bob Robinson (real name Bob Lambert). She believes that he used her as a prop for his undercover identity.

Belinda’s story

‘Deborah’ was an activist in Cardiff, active in local political groups opposing capitalism, campaigning for social justice and involved in anti-deportation campaigns.

Deborah’s story

‘Donna’ was part of a circle of friends who were trade unionists, socialists and active in campaigning against racism.

Donna’s story

‘Ellie’ was not politically active.

Ellie’s story

Helen was actively involved in campaigns opposing capitalism and for social justice and environmental sustainability.

Helen’s story

‘Jane’ was a community, social justice, and environmental campaigner. She was involved in local community activism, as well as campaigning on global issues like climate change, and the war machine.

Jane’s story

‘Jessica’ – In the early Ninties Jessica was a teenager and she became interested in the welfare and rights of animals. When she was nineteen she moved to London and lived and campaigned within a community of Animal Rights activists.

Jenny’s story

Jenny‘ – connected to Socialist Workers Party in North London.

Jessica’s story

Kate was involved in direct action for social and environmental justice, including migrant rights campaigning and anti-capitalist mobilisations.

Kate’s story

Lindsey‘ was involved in the trade union movement and anti-racist campaigns.

Lindsey’s story.

‘Lisa’ was an active campaigner in many different social and environmental campaigns, including against the arms trade, natural resource exploitation, the nuclear industry and GM crops.

Lisa’s story

‘Lizzie’ was an animal rights campaigner in the 1980s.

Lizzie’s story

Madeleine‘ was an activist in the Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP) in the 1970s.

Madeleine’s story.

‘Monica’ was involved in in a resistance movement known as Reclaim the Streets in the Nineties, which celebrated community ownership of public spaces, and was opposed to the car as the dominant mode of transport.

Maya’s story

Maya was friends with people involved in the International Solidarity Movement (London branch). 

Monica’s story

‘Naomi’ was an active supporter of social justice movements, including LGBT and refugee rights, as well as direct action for environmental campaigns such as those against GM crops and fossil fuel exploitation.

Naomi’s story

‘Rosa’ came from a background of animal rights, green, social justice and anti-racist campaigns, and was involved in local campaigns which put people, communities and the environment before profit.

Rosa’s story

‘Ruth’ campaigned in her spare time for streets and community spaces that were accessible to everyone, rather than car-dominated.

Ruth’s story

Sara’ was involved in a hunt saboteurs’ group.

Sara’s story

If you quote any of the above accounts, for articles, blogs, or academic research, please let us know. Please respect that while these words appear in the public domain, they belong to people who have had their private lives profoundly abused. Thank you.

If you’re new to our stories…

Read DEEP DECEPTION The story of the spycop network by the women who uncovered the shocking truth by Alison, Belinda, Helen Steel, Naomi & Lisa. Listen to the podcast BED OF LIES.
