People are showing their solidarity to those fighting to keep the public inquiry PUBLIC, and asking the police to COME CLEAN over abuses. To do this, they are sharing photos of themselves on social media.

This is response to the call out by Cardiff against Police Spies and is in the lead up to the Inquiry Preliminary hearing and demo next week.


Want to take action?

  • Share a photo with the hashtags #spycops and #ComeClean – see the callout here – now extended to worldwide
  • Plan to come to the demo in London on Tuesday 22 March 2016
  • Write to your MP, expressing outrage that the Home Office is asking for secrecy in the Public Inquiry
  • Pass it on – ask your friends, family and colleagues to do the same

In the face of the police’s arrogance and impunity, every action can seem scarily small. But those who experienced the abuse most keenly don’t have the choice to turn away; sending them a message of solidarity, publicly, is a powerful thing. It says: we understand that it could have been any of us, and that it affects all of us. The police actions affect the fabric of our democracy and every part of our public discourse; we need to reclaim it all.

Public asking Police to come clean ahead of hearing next week