A woman deceived into a relationship with undercover officer is fighting in court this Friday [1] to have her claim about human rights abuses to be allowed to continue, and be held in the open. Ms Wilson’s claim [2], being…

Support group for legal action against undercover policing
A woman deceived into a relationship with undercover officer is fighting in court this Friday [1] to have her claim about human rights abuses to be allowed to continue, and be held in the open. Ms Wilson’s claim [2], being…
Court Hearing about Undercover Cop, Marco Jacob’s, abusive relationships – Tuesday 23rd May, 10am, Royal Courts of Justice Picket outside Royal Court of Justice at 9am Police continuing to avoid accountability and disclosure On Tuesday 23rd May, a legal case…
What: Picket outside South Wales Undercover Relationships case hearing Where: The Royal Courts of Justice When: 9am Tuesday 23rd May Court cases against the police for abusive undercover relationships continue, and next week, the South Wales Case has a hearing…
Join us to demand disclosure on political policing abuses in the UK Where? Royal Courts of Justice When? 9-10am April 5th 2016 – on the first day of the hearing What? Demonstration- bring banners, & placards Who? Anyone who cares…
We are inviting all our supporters to send a Christmas card to their MPs and Police & Crime Commissioners this year, and we have written a text for you to put in it. For more information on how to do…