People are showing their solidarity to those fighting to keep the public inquiry PUBLIC, and asking the police to COME CLEAN over abuses. To do this, they are sharing photos of themselves on social media. This is response to the…

Support group for legal action against undercover policing
People are showing their solidarity to those fighting to keep the public inquiry PUBLIC, and asking the police to COME CLEAN over abuses. To do this, they are sharing photos of themselves on social media. This is response to the…
The Home Office has supported the Police’s request for secrecy in the Public Inquiry at the forth coming hearing. We urge you to write to your MP to back the arguments that the Inquiry should stay public, and to make…
It’s been a while since we informed our supporters about the current situation with the case. The last hearing relating to the Common Law claims was held on March 18th in the High Court, which followed the police’s decision to…
Today lawyers for the 8 women suing the police for intimate relationships with undercover cops have filed an application in the High Court seeking to stop the Metropolitan Police using ‘Neither Confirm Nor Deny’ (NCND) as a cloak of secrecy…
This case has been subject to various delaying and secrecy tactics by the police. Currently at issue is “Neither Confirm Nor Deny” (known as NCND) for short. Not long ago, we explained here why NCND should not stand as a…