We have written a Progress Briefing on the Inquiry into Undercover Policing. Below is the introduction, written by Harriet Wistrich, Solicitor for the Eight Women Case. The briefing is downloadable here: Inquiry Progress Nov16. When the then Home Secretary, Theresa…

‘Undercover policing, democracy and human rights’ seminar
When: Thursday, 14 April 2016 from 5-7pm Where: Lecture Theatre A, Roscoe Building, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL The Undercover Policing Inquiry was appointed following revelations that undercover police officers kept lawful political campaigns under surveillance, assumed…
PRESS RELEASE: Metropolitan Police confirm identity of undercover officers following legal challenge by women
Press release on behalf of women deceived by undercover police – issued by Birnberg Peirce and partners, 14 August 2014 The Metropolitan Police have formally confirmed, for the first time, the identities of two undercover police officers serving in the…
PRESS RELEASE: Met police admit for first time in legal case that undercover officers in intimate sexual relationships are not appropriate
At a High Court Hearing today, 6 June 2014, the Met police were finally forced to admit that if the claims brought by eight women, who alleged they were in long term intimate relationships, are true then such relationships would…
PRESS RELEASE: Court to hear issues against Met police over SDS deployments, as women issue legal challenge to NCND
* Women’s legal action over undercover relationships * Court hearing 5-6 June 2014, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London On Thursday 5 June and Friday 6 June 2014, the main issues in a case against the Metropolitan Police over undercover…