Here are some suggested slogans and messages for this Week of Solidarity Action, including Tuesday’s picket. Why not pick your favourite, make a sign and share it online? If you’re on twitter, how would YOU make it clear why we need to keep #policespiesoutoflives?
(We provide this list by request of supporters, since the intrusions at the heart of this case are so sensitive. We thank people for their thoughtful support and outrage on this issue.)
# police spies out of lives
Neither Confirm Nor Deny = Neither Truth Nor Justice
NCND = No Courts, No Democracy
NCND = National Cover-up, National Disgrace
Stop systematic state sexism
No secrets, no lies… no police spies!
Police Spies Out Of Lives – No more secrets, no more lies
Stop sexist undercover policing
Support women fighting police abuse
End undercover abuses
End state-sanctioned sexism
End institutionalised sexism
Stop state-sanctioned sexism
Undercover is no excuse for abuse
Women have a right to protest without abuse
Stop Stasi-style policing
Stop Stasi-style policing of dissent
Stop political policing
Undercover police prevent action for social change
Undercover police sabotage environmental action
“We call for action and change to prevent these human rights abuses from ever happening again.” – Where We Stand
“Every person has a right to participate in the struggle for social and environmental justice, without fear of persecution.” – Where We Stand
Human Rights Act – Article 3:
“No-one shall be subject to inhumane and degrading treatment”
Human Rights Act – Article 8:
“Respect for private and family life, including the right to form relationships without unjustified interference by the state”