At a court hearing this month, the police are applying to have the women’s case struck out, asserting that their claimed ‘policy’ of ‘Neither Confirm Nor Deny’ (NCND) means that they cannot comment or respond to the women’s claims –…
Today’s news #1 – public inquiry
Today we heard that there’s to be a public inquiry into undercover policing, following an official report into the targeting of the family of Stephen Lawrence (referred to in the media as the Ellison report). Those involved with this case…
Fighting police secrecy: recent developments (alongside this case)
Today we announced that the next hearing in this case will take place in mid-March. Alongside this case, here is a round-up of other developments in the struggle for justice and accountability over undercover policing – and how they link…
Drax protestors speak out against undercover police secrecy
The UK’s top criminal court has today overturned the convictions of 29 climate change activists who blockaded a train delivering coal to Drax power station in 2008. The convictions were quashed after it was revealed that evidence gathered by undercover…
Women face fresh legal battle over secrecy
This legal action against the police (brought by women who were deceived into long-term intimate relationships with undercover officers) will face a new fight against secrecy later this month, just days after a year-long fight against human rights claims going…