Special branch officers embedded themselves in women’s lives for months and years. They spent birthdays, family celebrations and Christmases with them, infiltrating their most private spaces.


PSOOL’s version of the 12 Days of Christmas will be posted on our social media feeds during the holiday period. They are designed to act as a reminder of how these abusive deployments functioned. As the women were receiving tokens of these men’s affections, believing them to be from their loved ones, the reality was they were spying on them and reporting their findings to their superiors. 

Every ‘gift’ referenced in these posts was given by one of the spycops to one of the women.

Here is the full version:

On the twelfth day of Christmas my #spycop sent to me
Complex  PTSD
A cold frame for our seedlings
Cover officers monitoring 
Pair of combat trousers
Book by Primo Levi                                                              
Several sob stories                                                     
Six friends under surveillance                                                
Home made nut roast                                                        
Additions to my file                                                             
Three  Panettone                                                                       
Two Cuban drums                                                                
And an impostor with a fake ID.
On the 12th Day of Christmas…