Belinda was involved in first the case taken by the eight women. And in early reporting was referred to as ‘Jenny’ or ‘Karen’. On 22 June 2013 she and another of the claimants, Helen, spoke out using their real names, in the hope of increasing public understanding of the nature and effects of the police abuse.
More reading
October 23rd 2011 – The Guardian article that Belinda (as Jenny) appeared in was published.
November 2023 – Audio version of Deep Deception published.
November 2024 – Belinda’s evidence to the Public Inquiry into Undercover Policing on YouTube.
If you quote any of the above accounts, for articles, blogs, or academic research, please let us know. Please respect that while these words appear in the public domain, they belong to people who have had their private lives profoundly abused. Thank you.