IN THE MEDIA Several women from our group have contributed to the new BBC podcast about Mark Kennedy, and we’re very pleased to be working with the BBC team on the new series that’s in the pipeline. Also, the latest Channel 4 documentary…
Surviving The Shadow of Spycops: 10 Top Tips
Police disciplinary tribunal highly critical of SDS guidance and culture.
Tribunal finds gross misconduct but mitigated by systemic failure of the SDS Tribunal notes Boyling is the only undercover officer to have ever been disciplined for sexual misconduct Monica welcomes tribunal findings and officer’s truthful account of management practices and…
Interim Report of Public Inquiry – Press Release
Undercover Policing Inquiry: Spycops unit should have been disbanded in the early 1970s, yet officers abused women for another 40 years. Damning interim report of Undercover Policing Inquiry published today Spycops unit had ‘perennial’ practice of undercover officers forming sexual…
Summary of UCPI Interim Report – June 2023
Digested Summary by some Non-State, Non-Police Core Participants Introduction to this Summary What follows is a summary of the Interim Report published by the Undercover Policing Inquiry (UCPI) on 29th June 2023. This summary was produced by Core Participants in…