We want to make sure the abuse we experienced from undercover police officers never happens to other women again. The law needs to change. Help us make this happen by SIGNING OUR PETITION FOR CHANGE – COMING SOON. Here are our demands.
Prohibit police officers from having sexual relationships while undercover
- Explicitly prohibit police officers from having sexual relationships while undercover;
- Ensure full and early disclosure is made to victims and that the Undercover Policing Public Inquiry does not rush their evidence;
- Remove commendations & honours from UCOs who violated women’s human rights
At least 60 women are known to have been deceived into sexual relationships by undercover policemen. The ITV documentary ‘The Undercover Police Scandal’ revealed the psychological harm to women deceived in this way and the institutionalised sexism that allowed this to happen.
This state-funded abuse must never happen again. It must be made illegal for police officers to engage in sexual relationships while undercover. UCOs who violated women should not be commended or hold public honours.
Cheques and Postal Orders (in GBP) can be sent to: Police Spies Out Of Lives, c/o 5 Caledonian Road, London, N1 9DX, UK
Or you can donate here (via Paypal) but please note that if you donate this way, a fee is charged so we do not receive all of your donation.
If you’ve donated to us, please also consider setting up a standing order to the Aftercare Fund – a solidarity fund for all those affected by undercover police abuses.
The women involved in litigation about undercover relationships are dealing with the emotionally challenging work of preparing their cases and rebuilding their lives – often in the face of enormous blocks placed in the way by the police, who again and again belittle and obstruct legal proceedings and public knowledge. All those we support – including those who have reached a settlement out of court – are facing ongoing battles to get to the truth, including through the public inquiry. Costs are incurred for meetings, travel, and childcare. The women affected should not have to bear these costs alone.
Whether you are sending a personal donation, putting on a benefit gig to raise funds, or sending money from your group, we really could not thank you enough.
- Sign the Where We Stand statement – and send a message of support
- Join our campaigns – share this leaflet
- Write to your MP to reform the CHIS Act using this template or using the outline above.
- Affiliate your trade union to PSOOL and pass this model motion
- Encourage your local council to support our campaign with this model resolution
- Get hold of The Undercover Police Scandal: Love & Lies Exposed, read it and share.
- Watch the ITVX documentary The Undercover Police Scandal: Love & Lies Exposed, and tell all your friends to do the same. Spread awareness of spycops abuses.
- Get hold of Glenn Hustler’s graphic novel ‘Spycops’. Read it and share.
- Donate to our campaign
- Don’t give up!
WHERE WE STAND STATEMENT – please sign and send your support
- Add your name to the public list of supporters who agree with this our Where We Stand statement
- When you sign it, you can also send us a message of support.
- Discuss the statement with your friends and family; share it on social media.
- Raise it with your colleagues and allies. Could your group or your organisation add its name too?
- Could you publicise the statement through your networks?
Write to the following people – and ask others to do the same.
If you feel able to, share your letter on social media. You don’t have to agree politically with your MP, local councillor or commissioner to tell them how you feel on this issue. Don’t let them pretend to themselves that no-one cares. Tell them YOU do. Tell them why. Tell them that you’re not going to give up until those who are responsible are brought to justice.
Invite them to sign up to the Where We Stand statement, and to take action in whatever way they can.
- Write to your MP – You can contact your MP via TheyWorkForYou.com
Please let us know if you receive replies from your MP. You can email us on contact@policespiesoutoflives.org.uk. You can also send copies of your letter to your MP to the Home Affairs Select Committee (homeaffcom@parliament.uk) and the Home Office (public.enquiries#@#homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk). Your MP should do this, but don’t leave it to chance. - Write to your local councillor – You can contact local councillors via WriteToThem.com Your local council should be holding your local police force to account via the local Police Authority. The undercover unit responsible for the abuses is known to co-operate with many of the police forces across the UK and internationally.
Make it clear that this isn’t policing, it’s abuse. - Write to your local Police and Crime Commissioner – You can contact your Police and Crime Commissioner via www.gov.ukMake it clear that you are expecting strong statements from all sections of the UK police condemning the abuse of private lives and recognising that institutional sexism and institutional prejudice must be challenged. Invite them to sign up to the Where We Stand statement.
Is your group or organisation interested in this issue? Do you want to create your own campaign? This could be an awareness initiative, a petition covering a particular aspect of the case, or a fundraising activity (e.g. sponsorship, gig, or other event) to raise money for legal costs. We would love your help! Let us know your plans, so that we can tell others what you’re doing.
We welcome allies who wish to engage with these issues in a spirit of democratic empowerment.
– Where We Stand
PSOOL welcomes affiliation from trade union branches. Several of the officers who deceived women into intimate relationships became members of trade unions which they spied on.The Metropolitan Police has admitted there was collusion between these Special Branch units and the Economic League / Consulting Association. Information about trade union activists was passed to private construction companies such as Skanska and McAlpine in order for them to blacklist workers. The spycops scandal goes to the heart of the trade union movement.
Let’s not allow this abuse to deter any of us from building a better world for everybody. Keep fighting oppression – whether it’s oppression against women, or any other kind. Keep creating social and environmental justice. Keep taking direct action. Keep building community. Keep building networks of love, respect and mutual aid. Keep doing what you’re doing, and don’t stop. You’re amazing. Thank you.
We come from different backgrounds and have a range of political beliefs and interests, and we are united in believing that every woman, and every person, has a right to participate in the struggle for social and environmental justice, without fear of persecution, objectification, or interference in their lives.
– Where We Stand