Jenny is a core participant in the Public Inquiry into Undercover Policing in Category H [Individuals in relationships with undercover officers]. In 2019, she discovered that her one-time lover had been an undercover policemen when a friend posted his photo on Facebook.

She met HN78 (Anthony Bobby Lewis – real name Trevor Morris – known to her as Bobby McGee) socially, in north London SWP circles, after he infiltrated a local branch of the SWP in the early 1990s. 

Jenny had an intimate, sexual relationship with Bobby.

More about Jenny’s story

Jenny’s witness statement to the Undercover Police Inquiry – July 2024

Jenny’s oral evidence (voice disguised) to the Undercover Police Inquiry – 29th July 2024

Article in The Guardian about Jenny’s and Trevor Morris’s evidence to the public inquiry – 30th July 2024

Article in The Guardian about how Trevor Morris defends police forming intimate relationships under false identities – 2nd August 2024
