Join us in our campaign to make the Inquiry release the cover names of the officers, release the names of the groups targeted, and release the files held on people by these political policing units.
It is public pressure and outrage that brought about this Inquiry. Right now we need to show that it is still high on our agenda to prevent the police hiding the truth any further. All people involved with campaigning for progressive change in our society have been, and are at risk of infiltration and abuse at the hands of these shady political policing units.
It is people like you, taking a stand for your right to campaign for positive change without being abused by the state, that will change history, making sure these abuses come to light and are prevented from ever happening again. Without public support, the police may get away with hiding what has happened, and be able to continue their abuses.
1. Make demands
Have you been involved in social justice campaigning over the last 5o years, or know someone who has? You might have been targeted by an undercover cop.
* Demand that the Inquiry releases to cover names of the officers, so that you and other similar people can find out whether you were affected, and contribute your evidence to the Inquiry.
* Demand that the Inquiry releases your files
* Demand that the police show you what info they have on file about you and your activities. Contact Netpol if you would like help with this process.
Contact these people:
- The Inquiry: Telephone: 0203 741 0410 or 0203 741 0411, Postal address: PO Box 71230, London NW1W 7QH, Email:, Twitter: @ucipinquiry
- Your MP
- Home affairs select Commitee Chair Rt Hon Yvette Cooper MP
- Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn MP
- Home Sec Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP
2. Talk about it on social media, using the #spycops and #releasethecovernames #openthefiles – this will be more effective if you can link to your own experience as a campaigner, and include photos – please link to us as well @out_of_lives or FB policespiesoutoflives
3. Write letters to editors of magazines and papers urging politicians to ban use the of undercover police against environmental and social justice activists, release the cover names of undercover police, and open the files of spied on activists
4. Plug into local and national pressure groups working for civil liberties and ask them to support this campaign.
5. Organise a public meeting where you live. If you (or a group you’re part of) can arrange a venue and publicity, we can put you in touch with people who could come and speak.